Our key areas of work are:
Providing enriching opportunities for children to play in support of their health, wellbeing and development
Addressing barriers and inequalities in access to the play children need
Building family, community and professional capacity to support play
Advocating for play and informing and influencing decision-making
Most of our scheduled play sessions run in Dalkeith, Mayfield, Gorebridge and the Old Dalkeith Colliery, a site for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Out2Play is particularly focused on outdoor play. Stay for Play (for children aged 0-4) and Play for All (for disabled children throughout Midlothian) involve parents and carers in the learning and fun too. Our wellbeing sessions are focused on mental health, and take place around Midlothian.
We build community and professional capacity to support play, through our partnerships with schools, training and consultancy.
We work to a Play Policy, and our approach to safeguarding and child protection can be found in the policy downloadable from this page.
Our action on play mitigates challenges in children’s lives and builds better childhoods and future life chances.
Our work has won several accolades including commendations at the Nancy Ovens Awards (2017 & 2011) and an international ‘Right to Play Award’ through the International Play Association (2011).
What We Do