What We Believe In
We want every child to experience the play they need to thrive.​
Our purpose is to enable every child in Midlothian to thrive through play by creating opportunities and removing barriers.
We focus on play because we know how much this benefits children’s health, wellbeing and development. It is important for their lives in the here and now as well as for their future life chances.
Playing is something children have a right to do. This right is protected in article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international agreement that the UK has signed up to.
We work with a playwork approach. Our focus is self-directed play of all types – we follow children’s lead. We are supportive of children undertaking appropriate challenges, and building their risk management skills. We want children to have access to everyday adventures, which help them to learn, grow and develop.
Our play policy is downloadable from this page, which further sets out our approach to play.